Unboxing: We Unpack the Psychology Behind the Phenomenon

The most unsuspecting craze that has ever swept the nation! Unboxing. We tap into the psychology behind the trend and see how you can get in on the action.
If you’ve never heard of unboxing, get ready to blow your mind! It’s the act of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging. This is often filmed, shared on social media, and people watch it! When you spell it out like that, it’s the most bizarre concept ever, yet more than 90,000 people are searching ‘unboxing’ on YouTube every month.
If you've ever wondered why unboxing is such a phenomenon, you're not alone! We dive into the psychology behind the trend and see how it can help open your brand up to a whole new audience.
The rise of eCommerce and the new in store experience
For decades, creating a memorable in store experience was essential. Brands wanted to make sure customers loved spending time in their store, so they’d not only make a purchase but tell their friends about it.
Of course, with the rise of eCommerce people have stopped visiting brick and mortar stores and brands have had to find new ways to deliver a memorable experience. With their packaging being the first physical interaction customers would have with their brand, the unboxing of an order became the new experience to strive for.
What is it about unboxing?
Well if you think about it when your... latest, late night purchase arrives, it’s like getting a gift right?! And who doesn’t like a gift? The anticipation of ripping gift wrap or tearing open a box to find out what’s inside is unmatched. Even if you know what it is... because you bought it. Unboxing a package sparks feelings of joy, packaging joy! And is one of the many reasons why people LOVE online shopping.
The only thing that's missing is an audience to witness and revel in the reaction of the giftee. So, instead we jump online and unwrap our ‘presents’ before a world of curious consumers, to share those unboxing feels.
The first unboxing video
Let us take you back to 2006, when velour Juicy tracksuits were in, your Sony digital camera was essential on a night out, and the release of the PS3 in Japan created the first... ever... unboxing video!
Since it was available in Japan before anywhere else, PlayStation fans around the world were desperate to get a sneak peek. The video showed the lucky PS3 owner slowly unpacking the contents of the highly anticipated product and describing each element in detail, so viewers knew exactly what to expect when they finally got their hands on one.
Video views skyrocketed and comments were being made in front of a global audience, not only about the product, but the packaging.
The digital word-of-mouth
Word-of-mouth, aka the most effective marketing tool ever! That’s basically what unboxing videos, or user-generated content (UGC) is for eCommerce, the digital word-of-mouth. UGC is organic, well-curated content for your brand that other consumers really respond to, and without you having to lift a finger or spend a cent on advertising!
Just add a hashtag to your packaging and prompt your customers to share their unboxing experience on socials. Frank Body is one brand absolutely nailing this, encouraging their customers to strip down, scrub up, and post a selfie using Frank Body products with the hashtags #letsbefrank and #thefrankeffect.
Suddenly your consumer has turned into a brand spokesperson, and you’ve opened yourself up to a whole new audience of likeminded brand loving customers.
Where do I begin?
I bet you’re thinking, "how do I create an unboxing experience worth talking about?” Well, I’m glad you asked! There are a lot of ways to create a memorable unboxing experience and luckily for you, Packleo have the products to help you nail it.
Give your customers those warm, toasty feels inside and outside with our Toasted Marshmallow Mailing Box, get sunkissed and salty on the northern beaches of Australia with our Airlie Tissue Paper, or satisfy their sweet tooth with a taste of our Fairy Floss Mailer.
Packleo thinks that being kind to the environment doesn’t mean your packaging has to be boring, which is why we’re determined to help bring packaging joy to small businesses.