Same Day Dispatch if ordered before 12pm | 100% Australian Owned and Operated.

We want to hear from you!

Please share your feedback, questions, success stories or love letters by providing your contact details below.
We aim to respond within 24 hours but please allow a bit of leeway as we may be packing orders!
You can also check out our FAQs for answers to our most commonly asked questions.
Packleo. Packaging Joy.

We've Moved!

After an exciting and challenging two years, the team at Packleo have gone as far as we can in our own cardboard box and it's now time for an exciting change as we announce that Packleo is joining forces with Australia's most respected packaging provider - Signet.

But don't fret, it's not the end for us… in fact, quite the opposite! We're taking our passion, creativity, small business mindset and responsibly recycling it to make something even bigger/better/bolder.

Aligning with Signet and their 55 years of expertise as a much loved and trusted Australian, family-owned packaging company will allow us to provide you with a wider selection of packaging options, and more buying power and scale to give you even better options for your business. Signet supports over 60,000 small Aussie businesses just like you and has been doing so, since 1968.

While we take a little hiatus to move into our new home at Signet, our site will be unavailable during the transition but you can still order some of the same (and more) products you know and love via the Signet website at or simply call the Signet Customer Service team (13 74 46) and a friendly staff member will be happy to help you place your order over the phone or via email.

The Packleo and Signet teams are ready to assist you in any way possible.

The Packleo Team